By Haylie Robinson
It’s the end of the month, so you know what that means; it’s time for another event article. April is known for rainy days and in the peak of spring for people to start planting their gardens or flowers, going out more because the weather’s warming up, and spending time with family.
This month we have nine different events to cover. With the events all over the state, one is right here in Bladen County, and the another is in the mountains. With spring break for students just right around the corner, I hope these events will give you something to do during the spring.
• The first event we will cover is the New Bern Home & Outdoor Expo. This event is an in-home and outdoor inspiration for your homes. It’s a place for vendors to sell their wares with over 50 vendors, varying from food, clothes, homemade crafts, and many different things. This event could have something that catches your eye for yourself or your living space. It’s also free to attend. This event occurs at New Bern Riverfront Convention Center, 203 S. Front St., New Bern, NC, on April 1st through second. On Saturday, it starts at 10 am and ends at 4 pm; on Sunday, it begins at 10 am and ends at 3 pm. Their website is https://www.ncexpos.com/?_ga-ft=1a8uEF.
• The annual Boost the Boro Spring Fling scheduled for April 1st in downtown Bladenboro has been cancelled because of forecasted inclement weather. It will not be rescheduled, according to organizers. The event celebrates the coming of spring.
• The next event is the Bladen County Veterans & Community Stand down. This event is hosted on April 1st as well. This event is like a job fair. It’s a stand down for the community and past veterans. It takes place at Elizabethtown Baptist Church on 1800 West Broad St., Elizabethtown, NC, from 10 am to 2 pm. The article you can read more on this is https://bladenonline.com/plan-to-attend-job-fair-and-veterans-stand-down-in-bladen-county/
• The next event is an outdoor event; it’s the Blue Monday Shad Fry. This event is free to attend. This event celebrates the shad spawning in the Cape Fear River. It also symbolizes the beginning of spring. With this fish fry, they cook everything on the fish, including the eggs. It takes place at the Lock and Dam #1 on April 10th from 11 am to 2 pm. The website for this is https://www.ncpedia.org/symbols/blue-monday.
• The next event is Spring Native Plants in Elizabethtown. This event is a class that teaches you about agriculture-based things right at home that can not only make you extremely happy while doing but also saves you money. This class for this month is Spring Native Plants. It’s on April 11th and lasts from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. The article to learn more on this is https://bladenonline.com/bladen-extension-service-offers-better-bladen-series/
• The North Carolina Azalea Festival is our next event on the list. It’s taking place in Wilmington, NC. This event is mostly free, with just a few occasions within the festival having a fee. This event celebrates Wilimgton’s fantastic artwork, history, culture, and gardens throughout the five days of celebration. The event takes place from April 12th through the 16th. It’s all day. It is hosted at 5725 Oleander Drive, Unit B7, Wilmington, NC. The website for this event is https://www.wilmingtonandbeaches.com/event/north-carolina-azalea-festival/4315/?_ga-ft=1a8uDn.
• There’s a lot of history based in North Carolina, with NC being home to some of the first colonies in America. With this event, you can tour some historic private homes or sites, called the Pilgrimage Tour of Private Homes and Sites, located in Edenton, NC. This event is a self-guided tour through the heart of historic Edenton. These sites and buildings can range from the 1700s to the 1900s. You can see two centuries of architecture, each being unique in its own way. This event occurs on April 14th and 15th from 10 am to 4 pm. It’s free to attend as well; the website for this event is https://www.edentonpilgrimage.org/?_ga-ft=1a8uFW.
• The next event I have to tell you about plays into how Earth day is also next month. Greening up the Mountains is an event that celebrates spring arriving by having a festival that has craft, food, clothes, and local wares sold in Sylva, NC. It shows native Appalachian arts, nutrition, and music. It also plays into Earth Day, as I mentioned, by contributing to teaching people about sustainability and explaining how the town itself. The website for this event is http://www.greeningupthemountains.com/
• My last event also plays into Earth Day as though it’s the Bladen Community College (BCC) Earth Day Clean up on April 20th. At 9 am that day, you can meet at the Building 14 parking lot and help clean up trash until 10 am. Refreshments will be provided at the school for anyone who wants to volunteer. Read more about it on BladenOnline.com.