
Commissioner Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins

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The Bladen County Board of Commissioners has a regular scheduled meeting this evening. There will be a public hearing to receive comments regarding a draft Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) Program Application, the third quarter Capital Outlay in the Amount of $143,709.91 is on the agenda for approval, the White Oak/Back Swamp Canal Stream Debris Removal Project Change Order is up for approval, the Bladen County Courthouse Window Replacement Project Change Order number two is up for vote, a contract with Star Communications as Telephone System Provider is on the agenda and advisory board appointments are to be made.

However, the item up for approval on tonight’s agenda receiving the most attention is the possible adoption of a Proclamation declaring “Racism a Public Health Crisis”. Bladen County Commissioner Dr. Opheila Munn-Goins requested that the Proclamation be included on the agenda.

The proposed proclamation states, “Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Bladen County Board of Commissioners believes that racism can form the basis for a public health crisis affecting our entire County and should be treated with the urgency and funding of a public health crisis. Looking at racism in this way offers legislators, health officials, and others an opportunity to analyze data and discuss how to dismantle or change problematic institutions. Bladen County will seek to promote racial equity through policies approved by the Board of Commissioners and will encourage other local, state, and national entities to recognize racism as a public health crisis as well.”

Read the full proclamation here: BC Proclamation Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis

This will be the second time the board has been presented the chance to adopt the Proclamation declaring “Racism a Public Health Crisis”. The first time it was presented, it did not pass in a split vote.

View the agenda here: Agenda 11092020

 The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, November 9, 2020, and will be held in the Superior Courtroom, located on the second floor of the Bladen County Courthouse, 106 East Broad Street, Elizabethtown. Due to social distancing recommendations, the meeting can also be accessed telephonically by calling 571 317-3122, Access Code: 377-006-581.

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