Bladen County commissioners receive monthly financial updates. The last report was for the first 5 months of the current fiscal year.
As of November 30, 2015, 54.02 percent of Ad Valorem Property Taxes had been paid. $11,731,848 had been collected compared with $11,015,142 a year ago.
Overall, $20,540,604 has been collected or received in all categories this year compared with $19,803,495 after 5 months last year.
Expenditures were below a year ago. $18,341,015, or 39.23 percent of the budget had been spent. Last year, at the end of November, expenditures totaled $19,219,942.
As of November 30, 2015, the General Fund account totaled $16,640,852 and the total of all funds was $22,425,158.
Overall, collections are ahead of last year and expenditures are less than a year ago.
A reminder, Ad Valorem Property Taxes are due, by law, in September of each year, but penalties are not applied until after January 5, 2016.