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A Staff Report

As the holiday season approaches, local firefighters in Bladen County, NC, are urging residents to prioritize safety when decorating with live Christmas trees. With the festive spirit in the air, it’s crucial to take precautions to prevent potential fire hazards associated with live trees.

1. Choose a Fresh Tree: Select a tree with vibrant, green needles that don’t easily break. A fresh tree is less likely to pose a fire risk.

2. Hydrate Your Tree: Keep your Christmas tree well-hydrated by regularly watering the base. A well-moisturized tree is less prone to catching fire.

3.  Mind the Location: Position your tree away from heat sources such as fireplaces, radiators, and heaters. Maintain a safe distance to reduce the risk of accidental ignition.

4. Inspect Lights: Before adorning your tree with lights, inspect them for frayed wires, damaged sockets, or any other signs of wear. Opt for LED lights, which emit less heat and reduce the risk of overheating.

5. Limit Decorations: While it’s tempting to go all out with ornaments, exercise restraint to prevent overcrowding. Too many decorations can increase the fire risk.

6. Turn Off Lights at Night: Before heading to bed or leaving the house, ensure that all Christmas lights are turned off. This simple practice can significantly reduce the risk of a fire starting in your absence.

7.  Dispose of Dry Trees Promptly: Once the holiday season concludes, promptly dispose of your tree. Dried-out trees are highly flammable, posing a danger even after the festivities are over.

8. Check Smoke Alarms: Confirm that smoke alarms are in good working order. Regularly replace batteries and conduct tests to ensure they provide early warnings in case of an emergency.

By following these Christmas tree safety tips, residents in Bladen County can enjoy a festive and joyous holiday season while minimizing the risk of fire-related incidents. Local firefighters emphasize the importance of these precautions to safeguard homes and promote a safe community during this special time of year.

Watch the YouTube video for more information.

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