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It is time to celebrate. The 100th anniversary of Bladen County Public Health was July 21, 2021. According to Bladen County Health and Human Services Director Dr. Teresa (Terri) Duncan, Bladen was the fourth in the state to organize a public health department.

According to Dr. Duncan, in July of 1921, Bladen County Commissioners made history. Commissioners Dr. R.S. Cromartie, E.J. Cox, and R.P. Melvin agreed with the North Carolina State Board of Health to establish the “Health Department for the County of Bladen.”

For 100 years, the Bladen County Health Department has taken each step necessary to protect the public’s health and prevent disease. Malaria, hookworms, smallpox, and typhoid fever were some health issues the local health department battled back in the 1920s. One hundred years later, the local health department continues to fight for the health of local citizens.

Bladen County Health Department has significant accomplishments such as immunizations for children and adults, the control of infectious diseases, reduction of tobacco use, safer and healthier food education, maternal and infant healthcare, increased preventative screenings, and public health preparedness and response.

The health officials wanted to celebrate in a big way, but the celebration was limited due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. There were some festivities with cake, and the health officials continued working toward a healthier Bladen, just what the occasion called for at this time.

Today the local health agency posted a photo of the cake on their social media post. The post stated, “We celebrate the forward-thinking of leaders in our county to establish in Bladen County the foundation on which we stand today…Bladen County Health Department “stands on the shoulders of giants!”

While the last 100 years have been filled with successes and great progress, the next 100 years have an outlook of an ever-growing presence and importance of public health. There will be a continued emphasis on the importance of immunizations, maternal and child health, early prevention, food safety, dental care, substance misuse education, and mental health awareness.

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