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The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office recently held an Oath of Office, Promotion, and Retirement Ceremony. Two veteran team members retired from Office, two squad members received promotions, and three took the Oath of Office.

Sheriff Jim McVicker stated, “We are proud to welcome a great group of gentlemen to our team, but we will miss Ms. Yandle and Mr. Anderson, who are leaving. We want to send a special thank you to those that came to see their loved ones and celebrate this honor.”

Retirees recognized are:

Ms. Patti Yandle (pictured above), Telecommunicator, 27 Years of Service

Jesse Anderson, left

Mr. Jesse Anderson, Road Crew Supervisor, 34 Years of Service

Promotions were given to:

Corporal Tim Hester to Sergeant, 3rd Squad

Deputy Reese Daniels to Corporal, 3rd Squad

Bladen County Clerk of Superior Court Cristin Hursey attended the ceremony and administered the Oath of Office swearing-in services for:

Bladen County Clerk of Superior Court Cristin Hussey, left, and Deputy Michael Lashley

Michael Lashley – Deputy Sheriff

Kenneth Lemaster – Deputy Sheriff

Blake Willoughby – Deputy Sheriff

View more photos and information about the ceremony on the Bladen County Sheriff’s Facebook page.

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