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The Bladen County Substance Abuse Task Force will meet today to work on its strategic plan. Anyone interested in joining the fight against substance abuse is invited to attend the Bladen County Substance Abuse Task Force. The meeting will be held today, Tuesday, September 8th, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., at Bladen Community College in the auditorium.

The task force has created a strategic action plan to help raise awareness, network, and prevent substance abuse.

Dr. Gantz said, “We are very excited to meet once again and resume our important work of implementing the recommendations from the strategic action plan.”

Last month, Dr. Gantz released a newsletter with information about elderly mental health and substance abuse issues. Ready the newsletter here: September 2020 newsletter

The agenda for today’s meeting is below:

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

2:00 pm

 ITEM 1.          Welcome and Opening Remarks                                Charles Peterson


ITEM 2.          Invocation                                                                   TBD


ITEM 3.          Introduction of Attendees


ITEM 4.          Task Force Updates                                                     Cathy Gantz


ITEM 5.          A. SAMHSA Rural Emergency Medical                    David Howell

Services Training Grant

  1. Drug Intervention


ITEM 6.          Subgroup Updates: (Please provide a brief or no overview)

  1. Schools              Charles Peterson
  2. Law Enforcement/Judicial Sondra Guyton
  3. Self Help/Support Groups Cathy Gantz
  4. ABC Board/Education Meredith DuBose
  5. Faith-based David Foster
  6. Consolidated Health Terri Duncan


ITEM 7.          Eastpointe Grant                                                         Charles Peterson


ITEM 7.          Other


ITEM 8.          Closing Prayer



                 Next Meeting November 10, 2020


Author: bladenonline

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