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A Bladen County veteran lost his fight against cancer earlier this week. Friends and family gathered on Thursday at Colly Chapel Holiness Church to say farewell to Lynwood Norris, a Bladen County Air Force veteran. Bladenonline.com brought you Lynwood’s story in January after friends posted a Go Fund Me page seeking funds to assist his family with burial expenses.

Lynwood’s wife, Kay, has also undergone surgery and is struggling herself. A fellow veteran by the name of Dennis Allan made a GoFundMe page for the couple asking for assistance to help pay for the Norris’ home and funeral expenses. The goal of $10,000 has not been reached. As of Thursday, $3,145 had been raised. The website to donate is: https://www.gofundme.com/payoff-home-funeral-for-a-friend

UPDATE: Mr. Norris passed away on March 4th, 2017.

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