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Bladenboro board hears about alleged misconduct
By: Erin Smith
The Bladenboro Town Council met on Monday night and heard from Dawson Singletary during the Open Forum portion of the meeting with regards to alleged wrong doings.
Singletary recounted to the board that in 2004-05 the town of Bladenboro applied for a water treatment grant. Part of the grant required a spray field, according to Singletary.
Singletary said that during the same time period, the town put out for public bid for someone to tend the land (involving the grant). He said members of his own family bid for the opportunity to maintain the land but were turned down.
“Pretty soon after that, I told Mr. Jackson (the former town manager) that if I received the bid, I would become certified and obtain the spray certification myself at no charge to the town,” said Singletary.
He said again, he was denied.
Singletary said he later learned that two former Bladenboro residents, Lisa Renee Kelly, and Estelle Wiggins, had created a company called Cygnus, Inc.  
Singletary said he also noticed that Mr. Jackson did receive a certification for wastewater at the time.  He alleged the town spent about $300,000 to $500,000 for wastewater management.
Singletary told the board that payments were made to Cygnus, Inc. in regards to the spraying. 
Singletary told the board that at the time these allegations occurred, he thought this was wrong and so he contacted the SBI and the FBI with his concerns.
“I am here tonight to ask you tonight, to ask the SBI to come and give a report,” said Singletary.
He told the board that there was much more he needed to discuss but those items were not a matter for open session. Singletary told the board that he will bring a lawsuit against the town if necessary.
Singletary also told the board that he was denied the right to mitigate Bryant Swamp. He told the board the town falsely notified the Secretary of State’s Office that there was Bryant Swamp Drainage corporation. Singletary said he could not find any records where the Bryant Swamp Drainage board had conducted, “a proper meeting.”
Bladenboro Town Council member Cris Harrelson said, “Mr. Jackson is no longer here.”  Harrelson added that in the board will look into Singletary’s concerns.
Later in the meeting the board met for about thirty minutes in closed session before reconvening in open session and voting to adjourn until Thursday evening when they will reconvene for a second closed session item regarding a personnel issue.
In other business:
*The board voted to approve K and S Builders to erect the 40-foot flag pole in front of town hall.
*The board heard a complaint from Charles Benton regarding standing water in a road ditch behind town hall. According to Benton, the ditch has about 12 inches of water standing in it following Monday afternoon’s rain.  He requested the town staff look into the matter.

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