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By: Erin Smith

Bladenboro BoardThe Bladenboro Town Commissioners met on Monday and discussed the salary scale for the town’s police department.

Bladenboro Town Administrator John O’Daniel told the board he had obtained a report from the League of Municipalities and he has researched the salaries of towns of similar size to Bladenboro.

“Most of our salaries are similar to other towns,” said O’Daniel.

He did note that the starting salary of a police officer for the town is lower than some of the towns that Bladenboro competes against for employees.

Commissioner Jeff Atkinson said he would like to hold off on making any decisions about increasing police department salaries until the town begins to plan its FY 2016-17 budget.

“I’m not saying our officers don’t deserve it. We need to wait until budget time and make sure the money is there,” said Atkinson.

Town Clerk Melanie Hester said that while she understands Atkinson’s concerns, she added if the board wants to implement any salary changes effective July 1, they still need to decide now if they want to do it so the figures can be included when the town staff prepares the budget.

“We cannot compete with White Lake and Elizabethtown,” said Commissioner Billy Ray Benson.

He reminded his fellow board members that the town has had to increase taxes the past two years.

Commissioner Gene Norton suggested the board consider the costs involved in hiring, training and outfitting a police officer.

Commissioner Cris Harrelson asked that O’Daniel compile the data on how many officers have left the department in the past five years and how much it costs the town in terms of training, uniforms, overtime pay for the remaining officers, etc. and bring it back to the board next month.

The board decided to discuss the matter further at the February meeting.

In other business:

Mayor Rufus Duckworth recognized former Commissioner Terry Nance (pictured right) for his service to the board. Nance was presented his name plate and a plaque by Duckworth. Bladenboro Terry Nance

Bladenboro Dawson singletaryDawson Singletary (pictured left)  addressed the board and told them that WRAL and WILM in Wilmington will air a program at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 12, called Power Switch. Singletary was one of several folks interviewed for the program that features solar farms.

Norma Yanez with Waste Industries addressed the board and asked that her company be contacted regarding submitting a request for proposal for providing trash service to the town.

Commissioner Billy Ray Benson was elected to serve as Mayor Protemp for the board.

President of Bladenboro Dixie Youth Baseball Joseph Russ addressed the board and thanked them for their support of Dixie Youth sports. He asked the board to assist the group with issues with lighting at the park. Russ said the lights were going out for many years and were in need of repairs.

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