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BladenOnline.com challenged all JROTC and Military Academy students in the county to write an essay about why Memorial Day is important. Each student who submitted an essay was entered in a drawing to win $100. Also, each local school with at least one student participating in the challenge received a $100 donation in honor of our fallen heroes.

Candace Rohrbacher from East Bladen High School was the winner of the $100 cash drawing. Read her essay below.

Memorial Day is a very key holiday in our country meant to honor those who have died while in Military Service. Memorial Day was first created to honor the soldiers during the Civil War. Many people celebrate this holiday by visiting graves and memorials and remembering and honoring those who are not here today.

The holiday is observed on the last Monday of May and was originally called decoration day because soldiers would visit the graves of their fallen comrades, and decorate their graves with flowers, flags, and wreaths. But in the ’80s, it officially became known as Memorial Day but not legally changed to Memorial Day until the ´90s. Memorial Day was first created to honor the soldiers during the civil war. There is a common confusion between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Veterans Day is celebrating our Veterans for their service in the Armed Services. There is one very meaningful and beautiful saying that is very touching to me: it goes “America without her soldiers would be like God without His Angels (Claudia Pemberton).”

I think it sums up a lot of what Memorial Day is. A day to remember our fallen angels. There are a lot of different ways people celebrate Memorial Day such as eating a picnic on the ground at a cemetery, and a more famous tradition is wearing red poppies on Memorial Day which originated from the poem ¨In Flanders Field¨ written by John McCrae in 1915.

Memorial Day will always be America’s most patriotic holiday because it represents who we are as people and what the American people are willing to do to keep us free, even if it means sacrificing their lives.

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