
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

WASHINGTON – During Wednesday’s U.S. House debate on appropriations, Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) requested a colloquy to publicly discuss North Carolina’s ongoing Hurricane Matthew recovery needs with Chairman John Carter (TX-31) of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee.

Congressman Pittenger:  “Our state suffered $4.8 billion in damage, including 98,000 homes and 19,000 businesses.  82,000 people have made application to FEMA.  Mr. Chairman, although the package passed by the House this morning was for Hurricane Harvey relief, can you please explain how it will also be helpful for Hurricane Matthew victims?  I would like to be able to assure my constituents that Congress will continue to support their long-term disaster relief needs.”

Chairman Carter:  “Last week, FEMA was forced to restrict obligations for past disasters to prioritize funding for immediate, life-saving efforts in response to Hurricane Harvey.  The supplemental funding bill that passed the House this morning will enable FEMA to lift these restrictions and resume funding for long-term recovery efforts, such as those in North Carolina.

Congressman Pittenger:  “As we consider the great plight in Texas of Hurricane Harvey, I also want to offer my sincere thanks for the outpouring of support for my state’s continued requirements after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew.  I want to thank Chairman Frelinghuysen, who’s offered my state great support, and Chairman Carter.”

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