
Rep. Robert Pittenger

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Rep. Robert Pittenger

CHARLOTTE – Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09), who as Chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism understands the importance of the FISA court and our intelligence apparatus in defeating terrorism, had this statement on the public release of the “FISA memo”:

“The memo, which I reviewed last month, raises serious and highly-incriminating questions which warrant further investigation.  There are many patriots at both the FBI and DOJ, but in any organization, there can be some bad actors.  As Members of Congress, we have a responsibility to provide oversight.

“Contrary to claims by Democrats, there is nothing in the memo that jeopardizes security or procedures.  Their effort to sweep this under the rug simply builds more distrust.”

Congressman Pittenger wrote to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes in January, urging that the memo be declassified.

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