Spread the love

Contributed by Southeastern Carolina Crossroads

God is LOVE! 

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body [a]to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)

Do I love like Jesus? If we were honest, we would admit that this is very hard to do. But with the Holy Spirit we can live a lifestyle of love. We are to Love God and people. This is only accomplished through complete surrender to Christ daily. The Bible says that we are to walk in the spirit which produces love in our lives. God is love and if we know God then we understand the love that we should display daily it’s easier said than done because some people are hard to love. But with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can.

Who in your life today needs your love? People are starving for love, joy, and peace. Show Jesus to others by the way you love them. Paul says without love, we are nothing. Keep loving in a way that is pleasing to God.


Southeastern Carolina Crossroads is in need of a Licensed Professional Counselor. Please contact Rev. Kincy Barrow at 910-874-1525 for more information.

How You Can Help

We have several ways that you could help the ministry here at Crossroads. There is a giving platform set up for anyone with a desire to give back. Go to our website, secarolinacrossroads.com, look for the donation button and then click on the Bloomerang icon, follow instructions.

YARD WORK? The men at Crossroads are ready to HELP you! Need your lawn mowed? Pine straw? Gutters cleaned out? Pressure washing? Please call and set up an appointment. If you know of any clothes that we could add to our clothes closet, please feel free to bring to ministry. Lastly, if you know of someone who is struggling with addiction call 910-549-8487.

We have several ways that you could help the ministry here at Crossroads. There is a giving platform set up for anyone with a desire to give back. Go to our website, secarolinacrossroads.com, look for the donation button and then click on the Bloomerang icon, follow instructions.


YARD WORK? The men at Crossroads are ready to HELP you! Need your lawn mowed? Pine straw? Gutters cleaned out? Pressure washing? Please call and set up an appointment. If you know of any clothes that we could add to our clothes closet, please feel free to bring to ministry. Lastly, if you know of someone who is struggling with addiction call 910-549-8487.

“We’ll wash the outside, the inside is up to you”! (Matthew 23:26).

About Southeastern Carolina Crossroads:


  From a Christian stand-point, addiction has been somewhat defined as a “Worship Disorder”. Dr. Ed Welch, a well- known Clinical Psychologist say, “The disease theory persists because there are no other readily available explanations…If Scripture doesn’t guide us, something else will… An addiction is a worship disorder. Instead of worshiping the divine King, addicts worship idols that temporarily satisfy physical desire.”Dr. Sam Williams, in ” A Biblical Approach To Addictions” (Lifeway Magazine) writes, “From a biblical perspective, something has gone wrong with the desires of an addict; they’ve been hijacked and taken hostage. What began as a friendship becomes infatuation, then a love affair and eventually the addict is captive to a fatal attraction. An idol that was originally intended to serve him and do his bidding, turns the table until one day the addict wakes up and recognizes, “I’m hooked.” Choice by choice, the addict forges the links in his own chain. The Wonderful Counselor knew this, “Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8.34 HCSB).The Apostle Paul put it this way, “Do you not know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey-either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?” (Romans 6.16 HCSB)Worship and its perversion, idolatry, are biblical categories that capture both the life dominating and the against-God nature of addiction. The Bible’s concept of sin matches perfectly with both the voluntary/purposeful/rebellious and the enslaved/deceived/out-of-control aspects of addiction. Addiction is a form of bondage that you voluntarily sign up for, and then realize you got something you didn’t want. “Southeastern Carolina Crossroads wants to provide the opportunity for men that struggle with addictions to find the spiritual void of worship they have been missing. We have witnessed sin in a variety of circumstances and understand the true way to freedom. We believe that every man who enters the gates of Southeastern Carolina Crossroads has been sent by God for a purpose. It is up to them to accept that truth and find that purpose.

Author: BladenOnline

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