Spread the love

by Joy Warren

Several public hearings were held during the Monday evening Town of Elizabethtown Town Council meeting via Zoom.  A Special Use Permit was requested by Mac Campbell for a stick-built accessory building of 1200 sq. ft. to be placed on his property on Broad Street.  Council approved the permit as requested.

A second public hearing was held regarding a Special Use permit by Hilton Companies to build two duplex apartment buildings.  The property where the structures are to be constructed is zoned C-1 General Commercial and is located at 104 N Owen Street. The property is located inside the city limits. Per the Elizabethtown Zoning Ordinance, Multi-Family dwellings are permitted by special use in the C-1 General Commercial zoning district.  Several people spoke against the proposed duplexes. New business owners Steve Mills and Terri Maria were concerned about traffic and parking on Owen Street and the affect it may have on their new business that adjoins the property. Ms. Maria said “We strongly contest this project as it will compromise the Historic District.  The footprint of the project is too small for the property.  There is also not a substantial barrier between our property and the proposed residential property.”  Alan Johnson spoke for the property owner stating that “it is not located within the Historic District and is in harmony with the other residential properties on the end of the street.  The proposed plan meets all of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance including 2 parking spaces per apartment.”  Following the public hearing Council approved (Leinwand only No vote) the Special Use Permit with additional conditions for the owner/builder to provide additional lighting and minimal residential landscaping buffers as per the requirements in the ordinance.

The final public hearing was for a text amendment change regarding Flag-shaped lots for subdivisions.  There were no public comments.  The Council could not act on this matter tonight and must wait at least 24 hours after a virtual meeting. The Council will meet on Wednesday at 12 noon for a vote.

Hilton Companies requested a special use permit to build two duplex apartment buildings.  The public hearing was held in October. The property where the structures are to be constructed is zoned C-1 General Commercial and is located at Rollins Street. Per the Elizabethtown Zoning Ordinance, Multi-Family dwellings are permitted by special use in the C-1 General Commercial zoning district. Council approved the rezoning request as presented.

Each November, the Town declares the second week of November as “Youth Appreciation Week” on behalf of the Elizabethtown Optimist Club. The Optimist Clubs recognize local youth for their efforts in the arts, athletics, academics, and community service work. “Youth Appreciation Week” is the perfect opportunity for Optimists to make a difference in their community and demonstrate the Optimists’ commitment to young people.

A request was received from Mrs. Ann Garrett of the NC Works Office to have the Town recognize November 9th through November 15th as “Hire a Vet Week”. Veterans deserve the opportunity to pursue quality employment with competitive wages. Council approved the resolution as presented.  It was also noted that the annual Veteran’s Day activities have been cancelled for November 11th due to the concerns of Covid-19.

In administrative matters, Council approved budget amendments for the general fund and water/sewer fund as well as the Capital Project Ordinance for the airport land acquisition.  Appointments for the Zoning Board of Adjustments were tabled.

Town Manager Eddie Madden updated the Council on several ongoing projects.  The Greene’s Lake project has seen significant progress over the last few weeks.  Paving will start this week on the site and work is being done on roadways and trails.  Work is ahead of schedule and completion is scheduled for April to May.  The Cemetery Project will be advertising for bids by December 1st, with construction starting in January to February.  Completion date will be June to July 2021.

Terri Dennison, Director of Marketing and Communications, announced that the Chamber of Commerce is planning an expanded Holiday Season Promotion that will kick off on the day after Thanksgiving and will continue until right before Christmas. The “Warm Southern Christmas” promotion will help promote shopping locally while maintaining the COVID requirements. The tag line will be “Come for the Shopping, Stay for the Lights”. Each week Mrs. Dennison will be sending updates on the various activities that will be added to the promotion to include a Christmas Tree Lighting, Tour of the Churches, and a Scavenger Hunt among merchants.

In observance of Veterans Day, the Town offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th. In observance of Thanksgiving, the Town offices will be closed on Thursday, November 26th and Friday, November 27th.

The Council adjourned the regular meeting and moved into closed session. Tonight’s meeting was adjourned to Wednesday at 12 noonfor a short meeting.


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