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Pictured (left to right):
Back row: Geovanni Lopez, Andres Azcarate, Jafet Vera, Oscar Giron, Arturo Ortiz, David Ortiz
Middle row: Erik Perez, Sandra Carolina Pinto, Tania Calderon, Citlalli Vera, Hector
Casarrubias, Jose Domingo, Arturo Martinez, Gregorio Lopez, Kevin Ortiz
Front row: Instructors Jose Leon Colon and Bolivar Rivera


Bladen Community College celebrated the successful culmination of its ESL Electric Craft class with a heartwarming graduation ceremony held on Sunday, August 13th, 2023, at 10 am. The event recognized the dedication and achievements of 15 graduates who completed the
program, equipping them with essential skills for the electric craft industry.

One of the graduates, Sandra Carolina Pinto, expressed profound gratitude for the opportunities provided by the program and Bladen Community College. “I am very thankful for being able to rely on institutions such as Bladen Community College for providing aid to the Hispanic community, assigning highly-qualified personnel, and supplying scholarships, and courses with flexible schedules during weekends. To my dear professors, Bolivar Rivera and Jose Leon, there are no words that could express the gratitude for your efforts, dedication, and patience to educate us in the electricity realm… I believed that I had the potential to execute all of my plans and be useful to society, so I had to take advantage of this opportunity to be able to pursue this career as an Electrician Technician offered by Bladen Community College. I made the effort and traveled 4 hours every Saturday to acquire my knowledge and additionally fulfill my familial and
occupational responsibilities,” she stated.

The graduation ceremony showcased the success of the ESL Electric Craft program and the college’s dedication to fostering education and professional growth within diverse communities. Bladen Community College continues to empower students with practical skills, enriching their lives and the industries they serve.

For more information about the ESL Electric Craft program and other educational opportunities at Bladen Community College, please visit bladencc.edu or call 910.879.5500.

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