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The Elizabethtown Council heard an update on the FEMA reimbursement process for Hurricane Matthew from Finance Director Jay Leatherman and Public Works Director Pat DeVane.

Leatherman told the board the invoices from Hurricane Matthew have been submitted to the town’s FEMA representative. He said there were several categories in which invoices were submitted including debris removal, police and fire protection. He said the town expects to receive about $240,000.

DeVane said there are few items the town is still working with FEMA to resolve. One of those items is the Elizabethtown Rescue Squad building located on Swanzy Street which was flooded during the storm. DeVane said the town has three options: tear the building down and rebuild it to the pre-storm condition; return the existing structure to pre-storm conditions; or tear it down and construct a retention pond on the site.

“I don’t think restoring the building to its pre-storm state is a good idea as it is likely to flood again. Also, the town will be required to have flood insurance,” said DeVane.

Councilman Howell Clark asked about the cost of tearing down the facility and constructing a retention pond in that location. DeVane said to tear down the building and construct a pond would cost a total of about $75,000.

The board did not take a vote on the matter.

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