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By Haylie Robinson

On Thursday, February 2nd, West Bladen High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) embarked on a field trip that could help them change their future. The North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh hosted an agricultural experience that allowed students who might want to go into the cultivation industry.

The field trip showed students that there was so much more in the farming industry than just planting plants and raising animals. The agricultural experience showed constant technological advances.

Mr. Wade Pait, the Animal Science Teacher at WBHS, stated that, “This field trip helped the students learn about the technological advances in agriculture. As the age of farmers increases and the number of farmers decreases. It shows that there’s more to what they thought of the farming field as a career.”

As the career outlook for farming goes scarce, events like these can help students see that there’s more to agriculture than just tending to plants or animals. It shows that there are constant changes in agriculture. Mrs. Reva Orr, the Horticulture Teacher at WBHS, stated, “This allows students to see that there’s more out there in agriculture than what we just see in Bladen County.”

With this field trip, students went home knowing about agriculture’s many careers and opportunities.

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