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BladenOnline.com has bounds of “The Southeastern Times” from the 1970’s and 1980’s. Our staff has enjoyed looking through the old papers.

The Southeastern Times was a local newspaper owned and operated by Bladen County’s very own Norgie Hester. We will try to bring you a flashback each Friday with clippings from the paper. You can also catch photos of these clippings on our social media sites as well.

The first clip we will share today is from the September 27, 1976 paper.

The Committee of the Town of Elizabethtown and Elizabethtown-White Lake Chamber of Commerce came together to get delivered mail to our area. The article mentions Elizabethtown Mayor Cecil Edge and Chairman of the chamber Andy McKoy working towards the goal of house to house mail delivery.

The next article was taken from the August Sports section of The Southeastern Times newspaper back in 1976. The stars of the football field back in 1976 at Clarkton High School were featured in a large photograph before they traveled to Fairgrove on a Friday night. Left to right are Full back Morris Jones, Halfback Johnny Jones, Tackle Stephen Clark, Halfback Ray Mitchell, and Halfback Curtis Chancy.

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