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By Erin Smith

Flooding is occurring throughout Bladen County on Sunday. The Bay Tree Lakes Fire Department was busy on Sunday morning erecting barricades and checking on residents in their fire district.

Chief Ben Corebtt said on Sunday morning that his department has had very few rescue calls during the storm. Many Bladen County communities were not so fortunate as water rescues were being reported in Bladenboro, Clarkton and Elizabethtown.

The Bay Tree Lakes Fire Department made a trek on Sunday morning to the Rowan Fire Department down NC 210 checking the road conditions and crossing dangerously flooded areas and deep water to reach the fire department. Water was rising rapidly along sections of NC 210 and it was beginning to surround residences though it had not yet gotten inside them on Sunday morning.

Water is over the roadway in several locations on NC 41 East including Colly Creek and water is running over the road in several locations. NC 210 has experienced a washout in the vicinity of Long’s Store and is closed. Deep water is running across NC 210 in multiple locations near the Rowan community. Some roadways with areas of flooding have become impassable to automobiles.

In the vicinity of NC 210 and Ennis Bridge Road, flood waters were dangerously deep and rising. NC 210 near Greens Bridge Road is near flooding and Old Fayetteville Road is experiencing flooding.

One residence in the Bay Tree Lakes community has been flooded thus far, according to the fire department.

Chief Corbett said, “There is a possibility we may have to move some people out of Bay Tree Lakes but that will depend on how much more rain we get. As of right now (Sunday morning), we don’t have any body to evacuate.”

Rescue teams were also relocating one individual on Mote Road on Sunday morning. No name was immediately available. Fire officials reported Mote Road has at least two wash outs occurring on it and is closed.

A mandatory evacuation has been ordered for the Kelly and Rowan communities due to anticipated historic flooding from the Cape Fear River. The residents in the affected areas are asked to seek shelter at East Arcadia School and East Bladen High School.

There is also a mandatory evacuation in place for residents along the Cape Fear River in Bladen County and those who reside on Burney Road, Tar Heel Ferry Road, and River Road. The nearest shelter for those residents is West Bladen High School.

The fire department is asking everyone to please stay off the roadways unless it is an emergency.

Author: bladenonline

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