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Hammond-Golding-Award-2016Macon Hammond, a senior exercise science major, was selected to receive the 2016 Lawrence A. Golding Student Health & Fitness Scholarship. Presented by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the scholarship recognizes and honors undergraduate students who have made significant contributions to their communities in health, fitness or education.

“This is a very prestigious award,” said Provost Michael Brown. “Macon is highly motivated, academically proficient, and able to balance a full range of academic, athletic and co-curricular activities. The college faculty members are proud of his accomplishments.”

Macon will receive $1,000, registration to the ACSM Health & Fitness Summit & Exposition, $1,000 credit for the ACSM store, and a feature story in ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal.

Exercise Science Professor Meir Magal describes Macon as a “knowledgeable, mature, and dedicated young man who sees himself as a future ambassador of the Exercise Is Medicine (EIM) movement.”

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