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National Polling Services indicate North Carolina Republicans, are split when it comes to who would be the best Republican candidate for the next president of the United States.
Poll                           Date       Carson    Trump    Rubio    Cruz   Bush
Real Clear (RCP) 10/23-11/2    27.0        25.0       10.5       8.0     5.5
Elon University     10/29-11/2    31.0        19.0       10.5      10.0    5.0
PPD                      10/23-10/25  23.0        31.0       11.0        6.0    6.0
Others receiving less support included:
Fiorina, Huckabee, Kasich, Christie, Paul, Santorum, & Graham.
The North Carolina 2016 Statewide Primary, including the Presidential Preference Primary, will be held Tuesday, March 15, 2015.

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