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First and foremost, Joey and I would like to thank God for all our many blessings.  Each day is a gift from God and we truly know how blessed we are!  Two and ½ years ago when Joey was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer our entire world changed.  We thought they could take out the cancer and he could go through treatments and everything would be just fine.  Unfortunately with some cancer that is not the case!  With God giving us strength and the love, comfort and support from friends, family, co-workers and our church we have made it thus far.  The doctors at Duke have said that Joey is lucky because most people don’t make it as far as he has.  I am so proud of my hero because unless he is deathly sick or too weak he gets up every morning and goes to work and does as much as he possibly can.  We have learned so much and what is most important in life: God, your family and friends.  We love you all and there are no words that sufficiently say thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us!

To everyone involved with the Fund-Raising Benefit in support of our hero Joey Taylor held at The Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, August 1, 2018:  You have truly touched our hearts with your love, friendship, offers of help and assistance, and the generous support you showed at the Benefit held in honor of my Hero, Joey Taylor.  It was a wonderful occasion and showed us clearly how joy can be found in even the darkest of situations. We deeply appreciate each and every contribution, and we especially want to thank everyone responsible for pulling the benefit together and for working so hard.  Although we cannot make Joey better, your outpouring of love and support has provided us with enormous comfort, and the relief and strength that comes from knowing that we will be able to manage.  May God bless you all!

With a humbled heart our love and heartfelt thanks,

Joey and Pat Taylor

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