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Dickerson PharmacyOctober is American Pharmacist Month according pharmacist.com, so we asked a couple local Pharmacist at Dickerson’s Pharamacy what being Pharmacist means to them.

Jamie Carter said, “I like to help people. We get a lot of questions from people asking what we think because there is easier access to us than their is their doctors sometimes.”

She continued, “People put a lot of confidence in us. I try to treat everyone like they are family.”

According to Carter Pharmacists have to be trustworthy and able to gain the respect from others.

Owner of Dickerson’s Pharmacy and Pharmacist, Bruce Dickerson has liked math, chemistry, and working with the public since he was little working in his families retail story.
He said, “Being a Pharmacist seemed like a good fit for me because I could work with math and chemistry  and still have a chance to interact with people.”
Dickerson said the most rewarding part is the people.
When we asked what was the most challenging part of his job, Dickerson said, “Like a lot of businesses, there are a lot of regulatory changes on a regular bases.”
Dickerson also explained trying to help people by getting the insurance companies to pay for the medicine their doctor’s want them to have is another challenge.
So, before the month runs out, thank a Pharmacist for what they do for you and our community.
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