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IMG_9391Last Friday, Brian Campbell President of Campbell Oil Company held a lunch meeting regarding a Bladen County Schools Career Day program with local business and community leaders.

Campbell told those gathered for the lunch meeting that he had been thinking about ways the business community can become involved and help the school system.

Campbell said, “We want to try to help the students figure out their purpose.”

After giving it some thought Campbell has decided a Career Day would be a good idea and has set his plan into action. The superintendent and some school staff were in attendance at the meeting and they expressed their excitement about the idea.

The goal of the program is to get students to become more engaged, more interested in class, thinking about continuing their education, and what they will want to do after school according to Campbell.

“Hopefully this will be an eye opener for seniors.” Campbell said.

The concept is to do the career day and start working with the schools to mentor the students. This year the program will focus on the junior and senior students, next year the goal is include the 8th grade students according to Campbell.

Mentoring these students and letting them know that someone is interested in their progress will result in improvements in academic performance is the hope of Campbell and others in attendance at the meeting.

“We all need a mentor. We need someone who will tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear,” said Campbell.

The first Career Day will be held May 3rd at West Bladen High School and the second will be held May 5th at East Bladen High School.

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