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On Tuesday, February 5, 2019 (alternate weather date February 14), a prescribed fire workshop for private landowners will be held at the Bladen County Extension Office at 450 Smith Circle, Elizabethtown, NC 28337. The workshop will give attendees the opportunity to learn about prescribed fire and gain hands-on experience applying it under the guidance of experienced mentors. A morning classroom session at the Bladen County Extension Office will cover important topics such as financial assistance for prescribed burning and prescribed fire laws, while in the afternoon participants will be transported to a field site where they will have the option to safely help conduct a prescribed fire under the supervision of experienced mentors. Check-in begins at 8:15 am.

No experience is necessary to attend the workshop, but registration is required. The $15 registration fee includes snacks, lunch, materials, and a 1-year membership to the North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council. To register, please visit: Learn and Burn Registration Form. Space is limited. If you have questions, contact Benjy Strope at benjy.strope@ncwildlife.org or 910-874-5562.

Attendees should wear closed-toe boots (NOT steel-toe), long pants, long sleeves, and cotton or other non-synthetic clothing. All other protective gear and equipment will be provided. The workshop is hosted by partners including North Carolina Cooperative Extension, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, North Carolina Forest Service, North Carolina Prescribed Fire Council, National Wild Turkey Federation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Author: bladenonline

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