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North Carolina Cooperative Extension – Bladen County Center in partnership with 5 other North Carolina counties is offering a free online Dining with Diabetes series

The series is designed for adults 18 years and older at risk for type 2 diabetes, those with prediabetes, those with type 2 diabetes or other insulin-resistant conditions, people with other conditions that would benefit from this program, and their families and caregivers.

The program aims to help people learn strategies to manage their diabetes through menu planning, carbohydrate counting, portion control, and label reading.

The virtual 4-week Dining with Diabetes series will be held on Tuesdays beginning Feb. 21 and continuing Feb. 28, March 7 and March 14 from 5:30-7 p.m.

To register visit go.ncsu.edu/dwd-register or contact Krista Johnson at 910-862-4591 or krista_johnson@ncsu.edu for registration assistance if needed.

Contact Becky Spearman at becky_spearman@ncsu.edu or 910-862-4591 for accommodations related to a disability seven days prior to the event.

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