WASHINGTON, D.C. — This month, in honor of Veterans Day, Congressman Rouzer introduced H.R. 3914 – the Half-Staff for Homeland Heroes Act – to require the American flag to be flown at half-staff when members of our Armed Forces are killed in the line of duty on American soil.
“It is because of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines that our nation remains ‘the land of the free and home of the brave.’ We should never fail to honor our active duty service members or veterans when it is due. The Half-Staff for Homeland Heroes Act will ensure that our fallen heroes are always honored in this manner when they’ve made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation.”
Congressman Rouzer introduced this bill due to the events which followed the terrorist attacks in Chattanooga, Tennessee this past summer. It was only after President Obama received sharp criticism from the American people and the media that he ordered all flags at federal offices and buildings to be flown at half-staff.
To read a copy of H.R. 3914, please click here.
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