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By Erin Smith

Netflix customers are reporting a scam making the rounds via email.

The way the scam works is the email tells Netflix customers their account is being canceled and they need to update their personal information. Victims of the scam are reporting the website they were taken to when they clicked a link included in the email closely resembles the real Netflix site. Victims report the fake website includes the Netflix logo and descriptions and photos of popular Netflix programs.


As a result of the cleverly designed site, people are entering their personal information only to discover later, it was not the real Netflix site.

Some Ways you can protect yourself from being a victim are as follows:

*Never open links to websites that are unfamiliar or look suspicious. Hover you mouse over the link and check the domain name where the link is taking you.

*Don’t open or download attachments that are unfamiliar or don’t appear to be from legitimate vendors. These can contain computer viruses.

*Keep your firewall and anti-virus software current. Stay abreast of the latest security threats.

*Never give out personal information over the telephone or through emails.

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