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A Staff Report

Resilient Bladen Coalition held a Zoom meeting at 11 am on January 29, 2024. The agenda held opportunities for new business, action items, and more.

The coalition focused on the following highlights.

– The meeting began with a warm welcome to new members who joined the Resilient Bladen Coalition.

– An icebreaker and celebration activity called “Rose, Bud, Thorn” fostered a sense of camaraderie among attendees.

– The primary focus for January was the Protective Factor of “Concrete Supports in Times of Need.” This factor emphasizes that when families have access to the support they need, they experience less stress, feel more connected to the community, and are less likely to experience maltreatment.

– Discussion revolved around identifying stressors and challenges that families in Bladen County may face.

– Strategies for bridging the gap and ensuring that families receive the necessary resources included community knowledge, effective family linking, and respect for cultural diversity.

– The meeting also addressed reasons why some families might not be aware of available resources in Bladen County, discussing issues related to:

– Parent/family engagement and parenting challenges

– Parent/caregiver education

– Access to resources

– Updating/revising the resources guide

– Addressing stigma around asking for help and receiving services

– Identifying community locations where parents can access resource guides, such as libraries, doctors’ offices, and employers.

– Highlighting resources like Recoverybladen.com

– Offering mental health training for parents, caregivers, and the community

– Discussing resources provided by Trillium

– Assessing mental health and smoking/vaping risks among students

Action items during the meeting were discussed as follows.

1. Review and update the resource guide, adding new information and contacts.

2. Consider creating surveys for the community to understand how they access resources and identify barriers families face in accessing them.

3. Explore effective communication strategies.

4. Set a timeline for completing the updated resource guide.

Round Robin updates from community partners were announced.

– Trillium: Trillium will expand its services to serve 46 counties in North Carolina starting February 1.

– Bladen Health Department:

– Upcoming events include a Faithful Families program on February 12 at 6 pm at the Cooperative Extension, targeting families with a faith-based approach.

– On February 13 at 2 pm, a Substance Misuse Task Force Meeting will be held at the Bladen County Health Department.

– February 27 at 9 am will see the Healthy Bladen Meeting at the Bladen County Health Department.

– Men & Women United for Families: The organization is now located at the NC Works office in Elizabethtown. They have been actively distributing food boxes to families and providing case management and intake services to those seeking housing and assistance with first-month expenses.

The next Resilient Bladen Coalition meeting is scheduled via Zoom on February 26, 2024, at 11 am.

Attendees of the coalition meeting are listed below.

– Tocarra Osborne

– Jennifer Brown

– Dena Hamilton

– Caroline Cromartie

– Angela Mendell

– Dena Guido

– Leveda Freeman

– Vickie Smith

– Stacie Kinlaw

– Scottie Seawell

– Grace Thompson

– Keith Graham

– Tyshell Jones

– Coleen Andrews

– Yolanda Smith

– Dr. Terri Duncan

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