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By Cara Beth Lewis 

On September 26th, families are celebrated nationwide in honor of National Family Day. Whether they are near or far, by blood or by chance, Sunday is the day to spotlight the most important people in our lives – our family. 

“Family” is different for everyone. No two families are the same. However, one thing is consistent among families: Love. Family is what we turn to when we don’t know where to turn, who we lean on in a time of struggle, and who we celebrate the good times with. 

Nationaltoday.com stated, “According to psychologists, family ties are critical for healthy development. Research shows that the quality of familial relationships has significant effects on well-being. Strong family ties support us under stress, help us process trauma, and boost our self-esteem.” 

We can see different family dynamics everywhere we look. In our personal lives, in the lives of our friends and coworkers, as well as on television and social media. Maybe some of them look similar to yours, or maybe they don’t. Either way, it is important to appreciate the group of humans, or even animals, that we choose to call our “family.” 

“The scientific study of the family unit began in the late 19th century and crystallized as a subfield of sociology in the 1960s. Since then, social scientists have paid special attention to the family’s role in shaping individual behavior and how place and culture affect family structures. Industrialization, globalization, and the development of cheap and fast international transportation have led to rapid changes in relations between families,” according to nationaltoday.com

Family is not reliant upon blood or titles – family is characterized by the people who feel like home – the people who support us selflessly and love us unconditionally. 

“Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.” – J.K. Rowling  

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