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1819 – Norwich University is founded in Vermont as the first private military school in the United States.

1861 – US Congress passes First Confiscation Act.

1890 – At Auburn Prison in New York, murderer William Kemmier becomes the 1st person to be executed by electric chair.

1914 – Denis Patrick Dowd, Jr. enlists in the French Foreign Legion, becoming the first American to fight in World War I.

1919 – 1st air flight over a major body of water in Australia (Harry Butler)

1930 – Supreme Court Justice John Force Crater disappears in NYC.

1934 – US troops leave Haiti, which had been occupied since 1915.

1937 – US and USSR sign trade treaty.

1943 – US 1st Infantry division occupies node Troina Sicily.

1945 – Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the US B-29 Superfortress “Enola Gay”

1961 – 1st case of motion sickness in space reported.

1964 – Prometheus, the world’s oldest tree (at least 4862 years old), is accidently cut down in Nevada, US.

1965 – US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act prohibiting voting discrimination against minorities.

1966 – US citizens demonstrate against war in Vietnam.

1980 – University Administrators declares 5 Pac-10 schools ineligible for conference titles and post-season play due to transcript and curriculum abuses.

1984 – 203.05 million shares traded in NY Stock Exchange.

1991 – Tim Berners-Lee releases files describing his idea for the World Wide Webb. WWW debuts as a publicly available service on the Internet.

1996 – US President Bill Clinton signs a new bill imposing sanctions on non-US companies which invest over $40 million a year in the energy sectors of Iran and Libya.

1997 – Microsoft announces it will invest $150 million in Apple Computers, Inc.

2011 – A helicopter containing members of Navy SEAL 6 is shot down in Afghanistan killing 38.

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