Ms. Dianne Hatcher was recognized for over 22 years of dedicated service as a Detention Officer of Bladen County on Monday evening at the Bladen County Board of Commissioners meeting. Ms. Hatcher was presented with a plaque and well wishes from the commissioners and the Sheriff’s Office.
Ray Jones was also recognized during the meeting for his summer internship with the County under the guidance of Greg Elkins with the county’s planning division.
Mrs. Vickie Smith, Director of the Department of Social Services thanked the commissioners for the new Sheriff’s Deputy providing security services for the department. Mrs. Smith provided an overview of an Agreement and Contract to allow for Security Personnel to provide security services in the offices of the Department of Social Services. The commissioners approved the agreement unanimously.

The commissioners approved the Capital Outlay Projects Request in the Amount of $258,357.70 for the Period of March 20, 2019 through June 24, 2019 as requested by Sharon Penny, Finance Officer with Bladen County Schools.
Ms. Renee Davis, Bladen County Tax Administrator, provided an overview of a bid in the amount of $10,000 for county-owned property located at 1077 Graham Road, Riegelwood. She stated the bid came from the family of the past home owner. The 1.02 acre parcel carries an assessed tax value of $29,170. The investment to the County is currently $10,000. The bidder has requested a private sale. The commissioners approved the bid sale unanimously.

Mr. Elkins provided an overview of a Request for Qualifications regarding administrative and programmatic services for the Bladen County Hurricane Florence Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). A Proposal for Grant Administration Services submitted by Holland Consulting Planners and Authorization to Proceed with Contract Development was presented. Mr. Elkins stated Holland was the only company to submit a proposal and is currently providing other contracting services for the county. The commissioners approved the proposal unanimously.
Commissioner David Gooden nominated Jessica Wilson and Thomas Brooks for the Lumber River Workforce Development Board. The commissioners voted to approve the nominations unanimously.
Before adjourning the meeting, Bladen County Manager Greg Martin presented the calendar of events for August and September and announced the non-profits seeking funding from the county. Find the non-profits requests here. https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/bladenco/Board.nsf/files/BELKHD51EC25/$file/Community%20Funding%20%20FY%202019-2020.pdf