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This Day In History1586 – Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England from Columbia.

1775 – First official US flag raised (Grand Union Flag) aboard naval vessel USS Alfred.

1833 – Oberlin College in Ohio, the first truly coeducational college, opens.

1847 – Frederick Douglass publishes first issue of his newspaper “North Star”

1901 – At the MLB meeting, the Milwaukee Brewers franchise is officially dropped from the American League, and replaced by the St. Louis Browns.

1911 – Willis Carrier presents his influential “Rational Psychrometric Formulae” on air conditioning to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

1923 – First Congressional open session broadcast via radio (Washington, D.C.)

1931 – Alka Seltzer goes on sale.

1947 – Tennessee Williams’ “Streetcar Named Desire” premieres in NYC.

1950 – Paul Harvey begins his national radio broadcast.

1953 – Eisenhower criticizes McCarthy for saying communists are in the Republican Party.

1971 – US President Richard Nixon commutes Jimmy Hoffa’s jail term.

1979 – Christies auction a thimble for a record $18,400.

1988 – NY lotto pays $45 million to twelve winners (#s are 1-8-13-18-28-48)

1989 – Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H.W.Bush, declare the Cold War over.

1999 – NASA loses radio contact with the Mars Polar Lander moments before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere.

2005 – XCOR Aerospace makes first manned rocket aircraft delivery of US Mail in Mojave, California.

2014 – Protests erupt in cities across the US after a grand jury decides not to charge the New York City police officer who killed Eric Garner with a chock-hold.

2015 – US Defense Secretary Ash Carter announces all combat roles in US armed forces will be opened to women.

2017 – First pizza party in space held by astronauts of the International Space Station.

Author: bladenonline

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