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1785 – The Treaty of Hopewell is signed between the Confederation Congress of the United States of America and the Cherokee people.

1871 – Ku Klux Klan trials began in Federal District Court in South Carolina.

1908 – 154 men die in coal mine explosion at Marianna, Pennsylvania.

1914 – World War I: Following a war-induced closure in July, the New York Stock Exchange re-opens for bond trading.

1919 – US-born Lady Astor elected first female member of British House of Commons.

1922 – Captain Cyril Turner (RAF) gives 1st skywriting exhibition (NYC) Turner spelled out “Hello USA. Call Vanderbilt 7100.” 47,000 called.

1929 – Richard E. Byrd makes his 1st South Pole flight.

1933 – A Dallas grand jury delivers a murder indictment against Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow for the January 1933 killing of Tarrant County Deputy Malcolm Davis.

1942 – 492 die in a fire that destroyed Coconut Grove nightclub in Boston.

1948 – “Hopalong Cassidy” premieres on TV.

1956 – Photography begins on “…& God Created Women”

1958 – US reports 1st full-range firing of an Intercontinental ballistic missile.

1965 – Browns’ Leroy Kelly sets club record for most punt returns yards (109)

1974 – Bowie Kuhn suspends George Steinbrenner for 2 years.

1983 – 9th Space Shuttle Mission-Columbia 6-is launched.

1986 – US Regan administration exceeds SALT II arms limitations for 1st time.

1986 – OPEC reaches oil production accord.

1994 – In Portage, Wisconsin, convicted serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is clubbed to death by an inmate in the Columbia Correctional Institution gymnasium.

1995 – James Brady, former White House press secretary, suffers a heart attack.

2016 – “Hamilton” sets new record for most money earned in a week on Broadway – $3.3 million.

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