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1753 – Benjamin Franklin receives the Godfrey Copley medal “on account of his curious Experiments and Observations on Electricity”

1861 – Harper’s Weekly publishes EE Beers’ “All quiet along the Potomac”

1886 – First commercially successful AC electric power plant opens, Buffalo, NY.

1900 – A German engineer patents front-wheel drive for automobiles.

1907 – Pike Place Market dedicated in Seattle.

1924 – 1st photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio (London-NYC)

1939 – Paul Osborn’s “Morning at 7” premieres in NYC.

1948 – Player-manager Lou Boudreau is selected AL MVP.

1950 – US President Harry Truman threatens China with atom bomb.

1956 – 1st use of videotape on TV (Douglas Edwards & the News)

1958 – 1st US guided missile destroyer launched – the Dewey at Bath Iron Works, Maine.

1967 – Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower announce their engagement.

1967 – Senator Eugene McCarthy announces he will run for the US presidency on an anti-Vietnam war platform.

1982 – US submarine Thomas Edison collides with US Navy destroyer in South China Sea.

1983 – Radio Shack announces Tandy Model 2000 computer.

1988 – Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. buys RJR Nabisco for $25.07 billion USD.

1990 – US President George G.W. Bush offers to send Secretary of State James Baker to Baghdad to meet with Saddam Hussein.

1991 – 93 cars and 11 truck accident near San Francisco during a dust storm, 17 die.

1993 – President Clinton signs Brady Gun Control Bill.

2007 – Hillary Clinton presidential campaign office hostage crisis: Leeland Eisenberg enters campaign office of Hillary Clinton in Rochester, New Hampshire with suspected bomb and holds three people hostage for 15 hours.

2018 – Marriot Hotels reveal massive data breach – 500 million guests affected in one of largest-ever company hacks.

Sonny Jones
Author: Sonny Jones

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