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This Day In History1630 – Massachusetts village of Shawmut changes its name to Boston.

1782 – Great seal of the United States of America used for the first time.

1858 – 1st overland mail for California.

1908 – Carriage-maker, William C. Durant, founds General Motors in Flint, Michigan.

1915 – US takes control of customs & finances of Haiti for 10 years.

1919 – American Legion incorporated by an act of US Congress.

1920 – The “Wall Street bombing” occurs at 12:01 when a horse-drawn wagon explodes on Wall Street, New York, killing 38 and injuring 143.

1928 – Hurricane hits West Palm Beach-Lake Okeechobee, Florida; 3,000 die.

1931 – Blimp is moored to Empire State Building (NYC)

1940 – FDR signs Selective Training & Service Act (1st peacetime draft)

1940 – Samuel T Rayburn of Texas elected speaker of US House of Representatives.

1955 – US Auto Club forms to oversee four major auto racing categories.

1960 – Amos Alonzo Stagg retires as a football coach at 98.

1968 – Richard Nixon appears on “Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-in”

1974 – US President Gerald Ford announces conditional amnesty for US Vietnam War deserters.

1976 – American Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priest & bishop.

1979 – Catfish Hunter Day at Yankee Stadium.

1990 – Iraq televises an 8 minute uncensored speech from George H.W. Bush.

1991 – Atlanta’s Otis Nixon suspended for rest of 1991 due to cocaine.

1997 – Apple Computer Inc names co-founder Steve Jobs interim CEO.

2012 – Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, seeks a court order to resolve a week long teachers strike.

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