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This Day In History1776—Virginia state constitution adopted & Patrick Henry made governor.
1863—George Armstrong Custer, aged 23, appointed Union Brigadier General.
1891—US National Forest Service organized.
1899—Brazo River in Texas floods 12 miles wide causing $10 million damage.
1906—US Congress pass the Hepburn Act, permitting the regulation of rates charged by railroads, pipelines, and terminals engaged in interstate commerce.
1916—Boeing aircraft flies for 1st time.
1927—1st flight from West Coast arrives in Hawaii.
1929—1st high-speed jet wind tunnel completed Langley Field, California.
1934—69th British Golf Open: Henry Cotton shoots a 283 at Royal St. George’s Golf Club.
1941—DiMaggio extends hitting streak to 42 breaking Sisler’s record.
1949—US troops withdraw from Korea after WW II.
1956—US Federal interstate highway system act signed.
1963—Beatles’ 1st song “From Me to You” hit UK charts.
1969—1st Jewish worship service at White House.
1972—Supreme Court rules (5-4) that death penalty is cruel & unusual.
1979—San Diego Chicken reborn at Jack Murphy Stadium.
1987—Phil’s Steve Bedrosian is 1st to record 12 games in 12 attempts.
1996—Superman’s Action Comic #1 (1938) auctioned at Sotheby at $61,900.
2002—US Vice President Dick Cheney, serves as Acting President for two and a half hours, while President George W. Bush undergoes a colonoscopy procedure.
2006—Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: The US Supreme Court rules that President George W. Bush’s plan to try Guantanamo Bay detainees in military tribunals violates US and International law.
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