Did you see an interview with David Sweat’s mother? Sweat is the prisoner who was recaptured Sunday in New York.. He was in prison for murder. His mother described his unruly behavior at the age of 9 years old…and how it continued into adulthood.
Cancer patients that depend on Gibson Cancer Center in Lumberton for treatment apparently will be taken care of, as of this morning, following a weekend fire that caused extensive damage. May want to call ahead….From our reports, much work was done following the fire, to assure patients would receive their treatments beginning this morning….
Must be an emotional time for the Lancaster family. Corner Café has changed hands, but will carry on. Our reports indicate many of the same faces, the same menu and plus longer hours to serve the public as new owners take over.
Elizabethtown merchants are preparing for their annual, popular, street sale during the July 4 weekend…
And Southeastern Carolina Crossroads has reached another milestone. The preliminary ceremonies are over. David Chesnutt and Rev. Bruce Cannon are off and running as they assist those with addiction problems….A worthy service…
Want to mention again the good work of Bladen Community College. A great place to learn a skill that will better prepare folks of all ages for for a career in their chosen field of work, or earn a two year degree that is transferable to a four year college or university. Call or visit for details. BCC is a Bladen County jewel…
People may not always believe what you say, but they will believe what you do.
People who have heard me sing, say I don’t. Mark Twain
Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.
Preach the Gospel at all times…if necessary, use words. (St. Francis of Assisi)
robert g hester
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