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This Day In History

This Day in History – November 7

1805 – Lewis and Clark sight Pacific Ocean.

1848 – General Zachary Taylor elected as 12th President of the US.

1876 – Edward Bouchet is 1st African American to receive a Ph.D from a US collery (Yale)

1907 – Delta Sigma Pi, a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities is founded at New York University.

1910 – The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.

1916 – Jeannette Rankin (Rep-R-Montana) is elected to Congress as its first woman Representative.

1918 – United Press erroneously reports WWI armistice had been signed.

1933 – Fiorello H. La Guardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City.

1944 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States for a record fourth term, defeating Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey.

1962 – Richard Nixon tells press he won’t be available to kick around any more after losing election for Governor of California.

1967 – LBJ signs a bill establishing Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

1972 – Incumbent President Richard Nixon is re-elected, defeating Democrat candidate George McGovern in a landslide by winning 49 states.

1973 – New Jersey becomes 1st state to allow girls into little league.

1973 – US & Egypt announce restoration of full diplomatic links.

1983 – Bomb explodes in US Capitol, causing heavy damage but no injuries.

1990 – Cleveland Indian Sandy Alomar, Jr. wins American League Rookie of the Year, unanimously.

2000 – Controversial US presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore is inconclusive; the result, in Bush’s favor, is eventually resolved by the Supreme Court.

2000 – Hillary Clinton is elected to the US Senate, becoming the first US First Lady to win pubic office and while still the First Lady.

2012 – Voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington approve measures for same-sex marriage.

2017 – Danica Roem becomes the first US transgender person to be elected to a state legislature in the US in North Virginia.

2017 – US Democrats dominate off-year elections; Ralph Northam wins Governor of Virginia, & Philip Murphy wins Governor of New Jersey.

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