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Thoughts While ShavingWe are proud of our latest numbers….For the fourth week in a row our number of  ‘pages viewed’ have exceeded 100,000….In a county of 35,000, unreal…..We do not do the counting…Google Analytics provides the information….
 The story that was #1 was the article related to the possibility of a proposal to recommend the closing of 3 schools in the county…One story that has ‘staying power’ is the Kirby vacuum cleaner article several months ago…..I was contacted recently by a lady in Conway, SC reporting the same group was operating in her neighborhood….I must admit, I am surprised…After those two articles, no real big news maker…just a steady stream of articles related to Bladen….Thank you, thank you, thank you….It makes us want to do more…and The Best Is Yet To Come.
 I read an article about Gov. McCrory being concerned about proposals in the budget to be voted on by the House and the Senate that have not been made public…Same old story, only the characters have changed…in Raleigh….This year, expand the sales tax to cover more services and labor, which, according to McCrory, is a tax increase…For years, the Democrats made late night deals and the Republicans hollered….and screamed….Now the Republicans are reportedly making the same type….late night deals and we expect the D’s to be screaming…So what has changed…
 Sunday, time to go to our places of worship….to re-fuel our spiritual tanks….
 If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.  Henry Ford
 If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.  John C. Maxwell
Take chances, make mistakes.  That’s how you grow.  Pain nourishes your courage.  You have to fail in order to practice being brave.  Mary Tyler Moore.
robert g hester
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