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Thoughts While ShavingYesterday was one of those “newsy” days…..and no one covered it all better than BladenOnline, thanks to the efforts of Charlotte Smith and staff…

A visit to Bladen County by Governor McCrory and Ag Secretary Troxler was a hastily planned event….We received notice late Monday, it was announced at the Annual meeting of Four County Monday evening…..The Lu Mil, noontime meeting drew a good crowd of mostly farmers and politicians….McCrory arrived about 45 minutes before Troxler and he worked the crowd….speaking to just about everyone there, shaking hands…all the things politicians do….and he did it well….

The visit by both was well received……Ron Taylor was the usual Ron….good job…The trip to the Dan & Wilbur Ward farm, near Clarkton, provided the proof of the damage caused by the excessive rainfall over the past week…

Commissioners met last night….BladenOnline, as usual, covered the proceedings….Later the lights were out in some of the areas served by Duke Progress Energy….Stop lights were not working for a period of time in Elizabethtown…and there was a small fire due to an electrical problem with a generator at the courthouse….And, Bladen County has, or will have a new Heath Director soon. Wayne Raynor will be the interim Director. Cris Harrelson has accepted a similar position in Brunswick County.

There were other activities……BladenOnline may not cover it all, but does a better job than any other source….My biased opinion…

Ever wake up early with “crazy” thoughts….I did, last night…Thought about my early days working at Hinson’s Super Market in Bladenboro….selling Famo and Shawnee flour…..customers could purchase a pack of Camel cigarettes or a loaf of Holsum or Merita bread for 19 cents.

Thought about early days on the farm….Had three acres of tobacco and it all drowned….Mom and dad and 6 hungry children were depending on the crop…

And we lived in houses where a wooden latch on the door was all we had or needed to remain safe inside…Today, two locks on every door and a gun in every corner….at many places…With all the problems and opportunities, the early years were the ‘good ole days.’

The best source for news in those days was at a country store with a wood-fired heater and a 5 cent soft drink and a pack of nabs.

If you are never scared, embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take chances.

If you are willing to admit you are wrong when you are wrong, you are all right.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death…you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

robert g hester

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