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Clarkton Town Council October MeetingNo one ever wants to have to find a lawyer, but sometimes it is necessary. The Town Council of Clarkton held their regular monthly session Tuesday, October 6th, and finding legal assistance is now on their agenda.

The Bladen County Board of Education has voiced plans to close three schools in Bladen County. Two of those three schools are in Clarkton. Booker T. Washington and Clarkton School of Discovery are the only schools located in Clarkton and both are being considered for consolidation according to the Board of Education Ad Hoc Committee.

Legal Aid was discussed to fight the planned School Consolidation Proposal put forth by the Bladen County Board of Education. Clarkton Town Attorney, Cliff Hester stated that he cannot advise the council on the matter due to his affiliation with the Bladen County Board of Education, and suggested that the Town hire their own legal assistance.  An amount of up to $3,000.00 in Town funds will be set aside to secure legal advice on the matter.

Other items discussed at the meeting…

Phil Geary of the NC DOT requested adoption of the Bladen County Comprehensive Transportation Plan to install sidewalks inside the town limits. It was noted that the plan did not include any sidewalks from S. College Street to the Housing Projects, areas that need sidewalks for resident pedestrians. Geary stated that a plan for sidewalks in those locations would be added to the proposal and Mayor Pro Tem signaled his approval by asking, “How soon can ya’ll start?” The proposal was approved.

Resident Joyce Campbell requested an adjustment to her water bill. There was some discussion concerning the fact that she does not have sewer service from the town because when the water lines were laid no sewer service was available to the side of the street on which she lives. She was informed that the town normally allows adjustments only to customers who have sewer service as well as water. After some discussion, the Council agreed to ask the Town Engineer to seek easement from the homeowners on the other side of the street so that sewer service can be extended.

Status Reports and spreadsheets on Delinquent Taxes and Utility Contracts were approved, and the discussion of Tyco Cameras was held over to Wednesday morning at10:30.

Town Attorney, Cliff Hester led the discussion about application fees for Solar Farm Variance and Conditional Use Permits. A $50.00 fee for each was discussed but a 4/5 vote is required from the council for approval, and there were not enough members present to vote. Furthermore, those who seek Conditional Use Permits will have to give notice to adjoining property owners.

Needed repairs to the Clarkton Public Library were approved, and the hours for Halloween Trick or Treating were set for 6-8PM on October 31, 2015.

The amount of trash on Grand Road has become problematic because people dump trash there to the extent that the residents have asked that the town clean it up. Clean-up is scheduled to begin on October 19th. In the past inmate labor has been used for this purpose and the town will look into having that done again.

A noise waiver permit was approved for October 24th.

The Public Works & Water Treatment Plant spent $2073.12 in September and will begin installing radio equipment on October 12, 2015. There is the expectation of spending $5600.00 in October for repairs and sampling equipment. The #2 well motor burned up and Duke Power will pay part of the costs of motor repair and replacement.  The 211 Pump Station and Wet Well are damaged. The expected costs of pumping the sludge will be $4500.00.

In open discussion, a request was made and approved to trim back the low hanging limbs at the Dixie Youth Baseball Park. A shipping reimbursement of $200.00 was approved for an ice machine purchased from the John Stone Refrigeration Company in Fayetteville, due to the machine being rejected on delivery. The Town is disputing the debt for the ice machine, but will pay for the shipping costs.

The meeting was continued to 10:30AM Wednesday morning, and adjourned.

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