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Thoughts While Shaving The 2015 high school football season for Bladen County teams is officially over.  Last week it was West and this week East Bladen.  As we pull down the shade on another season, I end my 50 year career of broadcasting high school football….and do I have memories, some I will share in coming days.
Thanks to Joe Melvin for providing constant scoring updates last night and our BladenOnline staff for posting them.  I regret we were unable to broadcast the game.  As I look back, there were just to many ‘roadblocks’ to overcome, some legit, some I questionable…but let bygones be bygones…
Speaking of Joe, his real ‘daytime’ job is recruiting industries for southeastern North Carolina.  Yesterday, he flew in from Toronto, Canada, hopped in his vehicle and headed to the ballgame.  He and his bride have 2 sons, both good, young athletes.  The oldest Pierce, a freshman, was moved up to the varsity, along with several others for the playoffs.  Bet we will hear more about him in years to come.  QB, linebacker and punter.  His brother is a few years younger, but a good athlete as well.  Parents are proud of both and that is why you travel hundreds of miles to be at the football game on Friday night.
I have mentioned in the past how we all have different families.  Our real family, our work family, our church family and on and on.  One of my families I really enjoy (most of the time..smile) is my recent football broadcast family, Ricky Leinwand, Dan Allen, Joe Melvin and Ron Daniel.  Over the years, there have been other members, but this group has been together for many years.
Our family is a Friday night family, one I appreciate and will miss.  Another group I will miss are the high school football coaches and AD’s (Athletic Directors)  Robby Priest and Patty Evers at East Bladen and Russell Dove and Kim Cain at West Bladen.  They have always been very cooperative, supportive and appreciative of what we have attempted to do.
One thing I have missed over the years was a closer relationship with the players, the athletes.  In my younger years, I knew most of the players from my years of ‘little league baseball.’ I lost that type relationship years ago, one reason was my time on the road for 25 years.
Thanks Ricky, Dan, Joe and Ron….Robby, Patty, Russell and Kim.
Life continues.
Today, many events throughout the county.  Check our Events section.
If you are not big enough to lose you are too small to win.
If you need time alone, try cleaning the house.
If you do your best, don’t mind the rest. (Irish Proverb)
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