Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingA reminder of the Bladen Community College 50th Anniversary Celebration at Lu Mil Vineyard, beginning at 6:30 PM today.  Call 910-879-5519 for details.

I remember when it all began and much credit goes to Mr. Louis Parker, Elizabethtown resident, who, along with others worked hard to make it become a reality.

Not sure all residents understand what BCC means to our area of the state.  A HUGE PLUS.

From the FYI department, We provide a brief look at the all-time high and low temps and all time high rainfall for the day of the year, plus the high temp for previous day.  Have not provided previous day highs for past few days.  Reason is, the National Weather Service apparently has a problem with their local station, at Curtis Brown Airport.  The last report posted was for Tuesday, June 6 at 9:50 AM.  Looking forward to more updates soon.

Local Democratic and Republicans are holding meetings, must be an election soon.  Filing for county, state and national elections upcoming shortly after the first of the year.

Not putting either down, wish there was a meeting of Americans with a goal of making the USA better.  I know, both parties would tell us that is what they are doing and the division continues to grow.  To many look for an ‘R’ or a ‘D’ to cast their vote.  My editorial comment for this day.

All are encouraged to check FactCheck.org for constant updates on the Russian efforts to influence our elections.

I know some will disagree, and that is OK, but with all the shootings in Bladen and across the state and nation, not sure we need easier access to weapons.

Congratulations are in order for our Seniors, high school and college.

Senior citizen one-liners:

They sing along with the elevator music.

Their joints are more accurate meteorologists than the National Weather Service.

And, secrets are safe with friends because they can’t remember them either.  What secrets?

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