Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHope I live long enough to read Gen. Kelly’s (President Trump’s Chief of Staff) memoirs if he ever publishes them.  Must be interesting for a very disciplined individual to work with someone as ‘wide open’ as the President.

Like him or hate him, gotta give President Trump his dues, the stock market is ‘moving up at a fast pace’, topped 23,000 yesterday, an all time high (closed slightly below that number). The business community appears to believe something good is going to happen, like an overhaul of our national tax structure. I still believe, if the budget is not cut, and I see no reason to believe it will be, for every cut, someone will pay more or the deficient will increase substantially. Do not believe you can borrow and spend yourself out of debt.  Doesn’t work like that at our house.

I do not like all that happens in DC, now or over the years, but it’s like sitting on the sidelines while the parade goes by, a few smart, hard working individuals are participating, some clowns, and some others, all attempting to impress us so we will vote for them the next time they seek re-election.  It’s our job to determine who the serious, smart actors are. Problem is, we can’t agree on anything and neither can they.

Just thinking out loud!

How about the cooler weather?  Will soon remove the mower from the tractor and hitch-up the leaf ‘flipper’. Let the fun begin.

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year to the person who has no leaves to rake.

I love autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there for the beauty of it. Lee Maynard

The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools. Henry Beston

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