Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHad a highly respected, well educated friend contact me recently and posed a question related to the GenX situation in the area.  What do you have when you have 3.712 ounces spread evenly through 22,222.22…45,000 pound truckloads!  (His numbers)

Good question: GenX is a trade name for a man-made and unregulated chemical used in manufacturing nonstick coatings and for other purposes and is supposedly produced commercially at a Bladen County site since 2009 and is measured in parts per trillion.  Lots of info when you Google GenX.

To deep for me, what I know is it is generated by man, limits set by the government after research and it flows through Bladen in the Cape Fear River and has been found in other places, ex. groundwater wells.

He also posed the question: How much does a dollar bill weigh?, a gram according to my friend and verified by the Hester research group (me).  With that info I began to do more research.  How many truckloads (18 wheelers) of $100 dollar bills would it take to carry enough money to pay off the national debt that now totals over $21 trillion and growing?  Research failed to produce an answer.

Is there any relationship between the two?  Not sure, but both are measured in parts per trillion.

Early voting sites have not been overrun with folks interested in casting a vote.  About 1,500 had voted at the end of last week, according to the staff at Bladen County Board of Elections.  Early voting continues thru 1 PM Saturday.  The May 8 primary election is a week from today at all 17 regular voting sites across the county.

Had a few other items of interest, but the research team had to postpone due to time constraints.

Research is formalized curiosity.  It is poking and prying with a purpose.  Zora Neal Hurston

Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody has thought.  Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.  Wernher von Braun

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