Thoughts While Shaving
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Interesting WRAL-TV news article … Thankless job: F.W. Newton & Sons Mortuary. Bryan Mims broke the story last night. … F.W. Newton Jr. owner of the funeral home, is embalming or cremating the remains of COVID-19 victims, and he is answering calls from far and wide, according to the article. “No one wants to do it, because they’re afraid of it. They don’t understand it, and for good reasons,” Newton said. … Check the WRAL-TV website for the complete article.

I am reminded of something I heard years ago … Find a need and fill it. And not doubt, there is a need for the services…

I know many are ‘antsy’ to return to normal … frankly, I am not sure how or when … New disease and no one wants to begin all over again, but businesses are hurting, many are home and want to return to work … My guess is our decision-makers are spending sleepless nights attempting to strike the right balance. Easy to condemn … The decisions they face are not easy ones…

I am a huge sports fan and always have been … Nothing going on, but reruns on TV. Some leaders apparently attempting to resume … can’t imagine playing a basketball game, a baseball game, holding a NASCAR race or a golf tournament and no fans allowed … just for TV … What do you think???

If times were normal … we would have options … spring high school sports, NASCAR races, the beginning of a new pro baseball season, minor and major leagues … Masters Golf tournament and, locally, Dixie Youth Baseball … plus others…

What is the treatment for ‘cabin fever?’

Will Rogers quotes…

“It takes nerve to be a Democrat, but it takes money to be a Republican.”

“The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.”

“If I could kick the person in the tail that causes me the most problems, I could not sit down for a week.”

“Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.”

robert g hester

Sonny Jones
Author: Sonny Jones

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