Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingHigh School football tonight, East Bladen at South Columbus, game time, 7:30 PM.  John Clark has the details on our sports page.  BladenOnline will be providing coverage on our Facebook site.

I mentioned BladenOnline numbers yesterday for the previous week.  Today, we have numbers for the month of November, and they are very good, again.  474,837 pages viewed, 90,141 visits and we had 33,611 users.  For the year 2016, we are ‘on tract’ to reach 6 million pages viewed.  That, my friends, is very impressive.

The final decision to proceed with BladenOnline was made ’bout this time of the year, 2007.  Our first official edition was posted February 1, 2008.

The current owners continue to make huge strides to improve the site and new users are coming on board daily.  Business owners in the area, looking for a way to reach additional potential customers are missing a golden opportunity if they are not using BladenOnline.  Call Charlotte Smith at 910-876-5393 for details.

In a county of 35,000, BladenOnline had 33,611 users, different users.  I know, some are out of the area, live around the world, but the vast majority live in Bladen and near-by.

It’s that time of the year, the most wonderful time of the year, time to put up the Christmas tree.  Need to be reminded why…..One over-used tree is a perfect prospect for a Bladen County Waste site.

Breaks my heart to hear Bladen County mentioned as a site for potential voter fraud.  If true, I hope and pray those who committed the crime are dealt with harshly.  Maybe a little jail time and never allowed to vote again.  I know, that is not likely, maybe not possible.  A few ‘crooks’ bring shame to the process and a dark shadow over good folks.  No sympathy for the guilty in this corner.  Play by the rules, in whatever you do.

A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success.  Joyce Brothers

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.  Willie Nelson

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.  Joyce Meyer

Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.  Matt Cameron

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