Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingInteresting comments from recent ‘Thoughts” One response to yesterday’s thoughts … “We have been watching the Walton’s on Prime TV … It will take one back to smoke houses and ice refrigerators.” Thanks for sharing … One more … UNC basketball game is scheduled for Wednesday (not Tuesday, as I posted). Thanks for those and others, recently…

Traveling life’s road can be difficult at times … very rewarding at other times…

As I age, what I miss most is constant contact with some of my forever, best friends…

Guess we all love a positive surprise from time to time … My bride and I had one yesterday … I am among men most richly blessed…

Received a phone call from an unknown source early last evening … When I answered there was an instant pause … Finally a male voice asked who was speaking … I responded, Robert Hester … another hesitation, then “I don’t think I am speaking to the Robert Hester I though I was.” Sorry, thanks for the call” … There so are many “Robert Hester’s” in the area…

About a quarter of an inch of rain recorded at the Curt Brown airport weather station … over the past 48 hours…

“Before you act, listen”

“Humans need two years to learn to speak and sixty years to learn to shut up.”

“Some things are mended by a break.” Edith Wharton

robert g hester

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